There exist many kinds of signs for business to be used on the exterior of your company all vary from materials, sizes, types etc. Here are just a few but there is so much more we at can do. from metal, wood, to aluminum letters – lighted or unlighted, Digital signage etc.

Pole Signs: or called post signs are used to identify individual occupants on a shopping centers or just to announce one company and generally grab the attention of many. based on the size and the Height of it.

Projecting Signs:
Projecting Signs are generally mounted perpendicular to the structure they are identifying. Projecting signs are ideal for retail and other businesses in high traffic condensed areas. Each side of the sign is visible from both directions of traffic, which allows potential customers to see the sign without having to look directly at the front of the business.

Wall Signs:
Wall Sign is any business sign attached directly to and supported by a wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign generally parallel to the wall.

Window Graphic Signs: Signs that are mounted for display on a window, and can be viewed from the outside. It’s a great way to identify the business as well as advertise products and services.